Kosho Ryu Kempo is not a style...It was never intended to be. It is a study. Kosho Ryu is a study of the self, and everyone and everything in our environment. It is the study of human anatomy, body movement and motion, balance and imbalance, and co-existing with environmental influences. In The Guiding Principles of Kosho Ryu Kempo , the practitioner will be exposed to escaping arts, throwing and locking/controlling arts, striking arts, pressure points, and most importantly the principles that govern and make martial techniques work. The practitioner will learn to manipulate balance and structure of an opponent, which will allow for maximum effectiveness in their technical application of these arts. The comprehension of these concepts and principles, will enhance your understanding of whatever system or style of karate, kempo, jujitsu, or martial art you study. The philosophies of the
martial arts are of equal importance, and quite possibly the single most important aspect of
martial arts training. In a day and age where honor, integrity, respect, and compassion are human qualities which seem to be disappearing from our society, the philosophies of the
martial arts are needed more than ever. The study of these philosophies can give practitioners greater depth of insight and understanding in dealing with the conflicts and challenges of everyday life.
Price: $49.00
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