Sunday, 31 October 2010
Biblioteket fighting
Fremragende Ultimate Fighting, Self-Defense produkt med stjernernes Kommissionens. Kontrollere webstedet for flere
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Saturday, 30 October 2010
Friday, 29 October 2010
Choose the best style of martial arts
For those who want to learn a martial art, there is much to know regarding the different styles. Of course there is the question of finding the best martial art, which is a matter of asking a lot of people with many styles of martial to choose from, can be very complicated to choose one to learn.
No matter what you may hear, or what others have to say, it is absolutely impossible to better the name of a style of martial as the maximum. in fact, there are several factors that come into play, even if a style can beat another in a contest or a fight does not always mean that winning style is the best.
Before deciding to ride out there and learn a martial art, there are several things you should decide before.Martial are great learning, no matter what style you decide upon. a martial art may teach self discipline, self-defence and several other features that will help you no matter where you decide to go in life.
Worldwide, there are various schools of martial and Dojo that emphasize self-defence much more than others. Schools involved in kata, shapes or light sparring are less likely to teach you what you need to protect yourself on the road.If you're looking for self-defence road, then we recommend a style training hard and does not leave.
Although the martial can improve your fitness level, is not the goal behind a lot of styles of martial.Different styles, such as Tae Bo, are based exclusively on martial and do not include a lot of training of physical fitness. If trying to fitness as your main goal, then you should be looking at something different from martial.
Capacity to combat
This will vary between the different styles of different martial.Self-defense Schools will be more often take advantage of fighting skills, teaching you everything that you need to survive.Most styles of martial are slow in theory, teaching kata, movements and forms. self-defense Schools also teach to inflict the amounts most damage in the shortest time.
Competition based martial are all about win trophies and showing the world your style of martial.The competition you've chosen, will impact greatly your style of martial. you should decide whether you will be fighting or showcase display kata, light or heavy contact, focusing on grappling or surprising.
Before you decide on a style of martial, you should always search for schools and dojo in your area and see what they offer. best schools will be allow you to participate in some free lessons or offer discounts on your first months. they will answer any questions you have and work with you to help you learn as much as you can.
Martial can be a learning experience very fun and exciting. There are hundreds of different martial styles out there, although it may be limited to choice, depending on what everyone is offered in your area. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, kickboxing and Ju Jitsu and some of the most common types of martial and normally offered practically everywhere. more different styles, such as Kung-fu fighting, Kenpo, Shoot, and are a bit more difficult to find Shaolin styles.
If you do your homework on some styles that are offered in your area, you will find one that best fits your reasons for studying.Martial can change your view of life-all you have to do is to dedicate yourself to learn everything I can on the philosophy of your martial art.
You can find more information about styles of martial arts and that what might be right for you to
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Thursday, 28 October 2010
DVD in original case: BAGUA ZHANG, WU ZING, XING YI. Performed by Andrew T. Dale 2004 (Wu Xing San Cai San Ban, Sections 1-3, Creative Cycle, Destructive Cycle, Xing Yi Quan, Xing Yi Animals)

In original case.
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Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Throwdown ®, a leader in impact & action sports expands its...
Collect from swords economically practical katanas with Paul Chen
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Systema Spetsnaz DVD #6 - Knife in Close Combat - Russian Martial Art - English

Is an instructional film for any martial artist, bodyguard or peace officer to learn and develop knife defensive techniques.
Study elements of disarming, lever applications, redirection and evasion methods, using space and motion concepts with striking disarms against various angle attacks.
Presented by Systema SpetsNaz professional instructors of "Russian Style" International Hand to Hand Combat Center. Director - Vadim Starov.
Price: $39.95
Monday, 25 October 2010
Combat Hapkido Knife Combatives DVD

* Defective DVD's will be promptly exchanged
The Guiding Principles of Kosho Ryu (w 2/ DVDs)

Price: $49.00
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Vs martial MMA
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In recent years we have seen the irrefutable rise of MMA - mixed martial arts- both as a sport and as a fully-fledged cultural phenomenon. Since its inception in the early nineties it has dominated our television screens, our magazines and our local club networks across the world. Some see it as the holy grail of fighting systems, a seamless mix of ju jitsu, wrestling and the striking arts that meld together almost alchemically to form "the ultimate fighting system".
Superficially, this may seem true. Because MMA appears to have all the bases covered, in purely fighting terms its proponents seem to think they have reached some kind of nadir and that all other fighting systems are, by definition, out of date and inferior. There is an undeniable aura of testosterone-fueled arrogance and over-aggressiveness that permeates the whole scene, with the result that everything about it feels dumbed-down to the lowest common denominator so that it may appeal to as many people as possible, all of which stands in stark contrast to the Bushido code.
Labeling itself a martial is also a step too far, in my opinion. MMA is not a martial art in the true sense of the words. It has as much to do with martial arts as boxing does and as long it continues to be propelled by commercialism it will never meet the standards required for it to be so.
I do of course realize that many of you reading this, and are perhaps involved in MMA in some way, will take great issue with what is being said here and this is fine. It is not my purpose to create controversy for the sake of it. It is merely my intention to put across what I consider to be a valid point of view. There are very real principles at stake here and these things need to be said.
Okay, so lets take a step back from the controversy for a moment and take a look at a few points of fact concerning the martial arts themselves and its long held traditions. As well as encompassing many different fighting systems that date back hundreds (and in some cases thousands) of years, the martial arts have been an endless source of physical, mental and spiritual sustenance for many, many people throughout the world. Far from being a mere brutal, violent, thuggish or ego driven pastime (as some critics would have it), the practice of martial arts has the potential to be one of the most peaceful and life-affirming activities a person could hope to be involved in.
With devout and sincere practice, the martial arts brings out the very best and most worthy traits in a person - integrity, humility, inner-strength, a respect for ones fellow human beings and, given enough devotion, a stillness within that allows one to connect on a much deeper level with the world (and indeed the universe) around them. Now some of you may see this as more psudo-spiritual garbage (and there has been a lot of that over the years), but ask anyone who has practiced their art (any art for that matter) long and hard enough and they will undoubtedly verify that it is indeed possible to transcend the merely physical aspects of it and move on to deeper and more meaningful levels of understanding.
This is not say to say that there is anything wrong with merely focusing ones concentration on the purely physical aspects of training, and in fact most martial artists do this, turning on their "martial mind" three times a week or so for practice and then leaving it at that. It is, however, a mistake to think that this is all there is to martial arts just because you have not personally experienced anything different. The martial arts are one of the few spiritual practices left in the world where, when done properly and with enough devotion, one can move past ego and thus all the detrimental traits that stem from that including arrogance, conceitedness, competitiveness and a host of other undesirable and therefore damaging behaviour patterns, most of which are a product of the highly materialist society we find ourselves serving under today.
Which brings us back to the subject of so-called Mixed Martial Arts and the superficiality on which it is based. If martial arts can be said to reflect the very values of its creators ( and indeed of the harmony of the universe itself ) then MMA - or cage fighting, to give it a more appropriate title - so to reflects the values of its own creators and the world in which they live. Taking into consideration all the characteristics that go together to make up a true martial art, then it is hard to see, even from the most sympathetic viewpoint, what cage fighting has to do with martial arts except in its replication and utilization of the physical techniques, which as we know, should only be one part of a whole system. So in this sense alone, cage fighting cannot be considered a true martial art.
As if to make up for this lack of substance we have seen cage fighting subjected to large scale commercialisation across the world. This began when the Gracie clan invaded America, bringing with them their own brand of Ju Jitsu which they subsequently put on show in the first Ultimate Fighting Championship, which was billed as "the toughest fighting contest in the world". In reality, the tournament was a grand showcase for Gracie Ju Jitsu and the beginnings of another corporate money-making machine as a whole industry (and all of its commercial off-shoots including pay-per view, merchandising and ticket sales) quickly established itself until finally today we have the finely honed brand that is MMA.
Of course this is not the first time we have seen the large scale commercialization and bastardization of the martial arts. In the seventies we saw the rise of Kung-Fu and other arts thanks in part to the popularity of film stars like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. A lot of money was made of the back of this trend also, but at the same time it prompted a vast number of people to seek out traditional martial arts, setting of many on a rich voyage of discovery and personal fulfillment within a system that had integrity and noble values.
These days people will watch a few cage fights on television and be taken in by the guts and glory illusion and perhaps they will think to themselves that they would like to do that as well and so they will seek out one of the ever-growing number of clubs around the world that teach MMA and they will start to learn. The same thing happened when people first watched Bruce Lee movies years ago. They sought out a martial arts club in the belief that they too could one day kick ass like Bruce Lee did on screen. However when they began training they quickly realized that there was no place in the dojo for such arrogance, aggression, or egomania.
These traits were quickly dampened down by their instructor and replaced by those inherent in the Bushido code. Today however, it seems like these undesirable attributes are actively encouraged within the MMA scene, the rampant competitiveness, the do or die attitude, the ego inflating. Humility is left behind at the front door and people never get to experience the beauty inherent in a true martial arts system (which is to say one led by the Bushido code). This is a travesty and, in my opinion, detrimental to a society that is badly in need of such values as those gained through proper martial arts practice.
The fact is, whatever budo sensibilities cage fighting may once have had have now been compromised and crushed under the weight of commercialization to the point where top level fights now resemble the purely entertainment based fights of pro-wrestling. Anyone who does not think these fights are carefully controlled are deluding themselves. The money will always come first and therefore integrity will come last. Thus we have these "modern day gladiators" (who all look the same by the way, bald, over-muscled and tattooed like they have just come of a production line) knocking lumps out of one another inside a cage whilst millions of people watch them on telly and bay for their blood.
This is patently not martial arts by anyone's standards. At best MMA is a sport and at worst, two puppets in a cage trying to knock each other out (sorry, submit one another). People are unfortunately being lured into this by the illusion of glamour put out by the media and by the possibility of achieving fame and fortune (two fleeting concepts in themselves), if even on only a small scale.
Of course people are free to do as they please with their lives and it is not my purpose here to try and tell you what you should and should not do. The real point I am trying to make is that if people were made more aware of the true nature of martial arts and the many deeper benefits that come along with practicing it, then perhaps they would not be so blinded by the false glamour and compromised (not to mention damaging) values that cage fighting/MMA are based upon.
It is a homogenized system of fighting that has taken advantage of peoples ignorance and weak egos in the name of entertainment and corporate power and it is slowly threatening the existence of the traditional martial arts. I know of many traditional clubs who have fallen victim to the spread of this false martial art, with diminished numbers and very few new recruits because people are going to these MMA clubs after watching a few cage fights on TV and have thought to themselves that they would like to do that, completely unaware of what they are getting themselves into. To my mind, MMA reflects a lot of what is wrong with today's society - the hunger for fame and money, the lack of any real depth or meaning - and it saddens me to see so many people be sucked in by it.
In the end though, I see MMA as another trend that will eventually be usurped by something else on an even baser level. Traditional martial arts on the other hand, has existed for thousands of years and will continue to endure as long as people themselves do. Can we really say the same about MMA?
Neal Martin is an ex-bouncer and highly experienced martial artist with many years of training under his belt. He also publishes the popular Urban Samurai blog. Join his e-mail list today to receive some great free gifts, including his authoritative e-books on self defense and mind training for martial artists. Just click here.
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Saturday, 23 October 2010
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Friday, 22 October 2010
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Thursday, 21 October 2010
Styles of martial arts
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There are countless martial arts styles from around the world, each with their own distinctive purpose and origin. In seeking out an effective means of self defense a potential student can look to a number of styles including Aikido, Kung fu, Kick Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts and Jujitsu. There are striking styles and grappling styles. There are sports and there are cultural fighting arts. Finding the right martial art, can take years, and cost tens of thousands of dollars. Someone interested in studying martial arts should have a general idea of the different martial art styles.
What Style of Martial Art is Best for You?
Start by asking yourself, do you want to compete or do you want self defense? Do you want to part of something more spiritual or more combative? Most schools offer a little of both, but you should know that the primary martial art style of the school sets the tone for the instruction. And if that primary martial art style is a sport or a cultural fighting art- it may seriously effect the self defense instruction.
Once you determine what you want to out of your training then it's time to begin your search. Remember, each martial arts style or system has its specific purpose. For example, the style of Ninjitsu emphasizes stealth and concealment for a trained assassin, and is little use for someone who is looking to get into shape and not get mugged leaving the mall. Boxing while being a great sport to know is limited to hand striking and is not well rounded, but will build strength and help someone lose weight. Taekwondo is a Korean style of martial arts which is a very popular sport, but lacks throws and grapples necessary to push back an attacker or take the fight to the ground. Mixed martial arts styles are good but are still bound by rules that re designed for safety.
Establishing what you want will make selecting a martial arts style much easier, and it shortens the long list of styles available for a student to learn. If you're just looking to lose weight the cardio kickboxing class at your neighborhood gym will probably be just what you need, but don't expect what you have learned in that class to help you against a mugger or rapist. Kendo is another great style that will teach you how to fight like a Japanese samurai, and is great for fitness, spirit and attitude but you will look a little out of place taking your training sword on the train with you to work. If you're interest is in self defense then you should look at combat oriented styles or systems that have been used in the industrial age. Aikido which was made popular by actor Steven Seagal is a fairly modern martial arts style. It is more about spiritual development than close combat. That old style of jujutsu may have worked against and armored samurai wielding a sword, but against a street thug wielding a box cutter it might not work so well.
Martial Arts and Self Defense
Studying a martial art or a combat sport is a lifestyle that requires a lot of time, training and dedication. Self defense however, is a skill, once understood, can remain effective long after you have stopped training. While most people don't want to dedicate the time towards martial arts, every person should take a little time to learn basic self defense techniques.
It doesn't matter what you seek of a martial art whether its fitness, self defense or even the desire to compete in a new sport it is time to begin your research. Resources are abounding on the Internet and in books at your local library. This will let you sort through the hype and get to the history.
There is a persistent myth that all martial arts styles are a product of ancient wisdom and are time tested. This is not always the cases with many styles like Yoseikan which takes many elements from more established styles like Judo and Jujutsu and others and has become its own style. Also be wary of anyone who says they've invent their own style that is superior to the rest. Just because a person has bounced a few years or was a cop or a soldier, doesn't mean they know what works best for you or even how to teach it. What is taught in the military and in the police academies is based on a liability perspective (public perception- we don't want our peace keepers to be too violent).
Most effective martial arts styles are a result of groups of people working together with the head of that organization usually getting the credit. Jigoro Kano is credited for founding that style, but he was helped by the Japanese government and the "Four Pillars of Judo" Tomita, Saigo, Yamashita and Yokoyama. Close quarters combat systems, lie those from the self defense company are a result of years of training and decades of research. It is impossible for one man to have the experience and the knowledge to dictate what works for everyone. Bruce Lee himself did not set out to establish a style or a system, but more of a way of thinking. How he trained was what worked best for him. How he thought was best for everybody.
Most founders have extensive training and backgrounds and black belt ranks in multiple, established martial arts styles. The lack of government regulation (especially in the united states) has no restriction on what is taught. It's up to you to find out the who, what, when and where.
This Ain't Hollywood
Also when choosing a martial arts style don't use films as your guide even if a competent martial artist is involved with making the film. Film is entertainment. What you see on screen must evoke the right feeling and the right "look". Fights on film are designed to entertain. If you think you are walking into a room full of bikers intent of killing you and you're going to defeat them all without a scratch- then I have a "bridge to sell you". But if acting is your thing, then yes go learn how to fight like "The Matrix". A system of Kung fu may be the martial arts style you're looking for.
At the end of the day, anyone can make their style sound good, but unless they have documented proof and some sort of lineage don't waste your time. Remember, once you decide, your research doesn't stop there. If there is some sort of intro program or "test drive" take advantage and ask yourself "Is this what I'm looking for?" and "Does this make sense to me?" Don't be disrespectful, but don't assume the person is an expert just because they say so. Listen to your instinct and you will be able to determine what martial art style is best for you.
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Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Russian Spetsnaz * Self Defense * Martial Art * 2 DVD * Dis.11

Is an instructional film for any martial artist, bodyguard or peace officer to learn and develop knife defensive techniques.
Study elements of disarming, lever applications, redirection and evasion methods, using space and motion concepts with striking disarms against various angle attacks.
Presented by Systema SpetsNaz professional instructors of "Russian Style" International Hand to Hand Combat Center. Director - Vadim Starov.
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Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Fierce And Female : Practical Rape Defense Tactics For Every Woman
In this DVD, I present my training techniques and proven solutions designed to alleviate back pain, knee problems, and other debilitating ailments. I demonstrate unique stretches and exercises that will enable you to attain a level of flexibility that usually requires years of training; and I will demonstrate to you the correct order in which to do them. This will enable your body to open up faster, thereby allowing you to get into splits more rapidly, safely, and with confidence. You will also discover that this workout provides anti-aging benefits. My techniques will help you overcome stiff joints and that "hunched-over" posture, which limits the activities you are able to participate in.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert, young or old, these exercises will help and challenge you. They will give you a firm foundation as you embark on your journey to be "the best that you can be."
Stacey Nemour is a black belt in Kung Fu, and a highly respected martial artist and flexibility instructor for 20 years. She has been featured in numerous publications including Inside Kung Fu, Masters of Kung Fu, and Self magazine. Stacey coached Ultimate Fighting Champion Vitor Belfort and the Carlson Gracie Jiu Jitsu Team for their triumphant championship fights on pay-per-view television. She also trained other world-class athletes including NBA player Jalen Rose and the Los Angeles Galaxy Soccer team. In addition to appearing on Fox Sports 11 News and guest starring in the popular TV show "Power Rangers," Stacey worked as a stunt coordinator and fight double for Cybil Shepard on the TV show "Cybil." She has performed in select video games and is working with elite synchronized swimmers preparing them for Olympic competition.
This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.
Price: $69.95
Monday, 18 October 2010
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Sunday, 17 October 2010
Combat Hapkido Weapons Disarming DVD Volume 1 & 2

* Defective DVD's will be promptly exchanged
MMA Xplosion provides junk to common Vitor Vianna and Scott...
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Keijutsukai Aikido: Book and DVD Combo
Best media releases life ' nature heals, "A new guided meditation CD of..."
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Former USA karate coach's Shihan Kim's th.c. is Kim karate Institute...
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Wednesday, 6 October 2010
UFC MMA Official Boxing Gloves Small Size

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Monday, 4 October 2010
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Sunday, 3 October 2010
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Self Sabotage hjælp
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How to choose a martial arts school-considerations for making the right decision
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Martial Arts Houston: How To Choose A Martial Arts School - Considerations for Making the Right Decision
Whether you are a parent wanting to sign your child up in martial arts classes, or you are interested in training yourself, the basic principles in choosing a martial arts school are the same. You first have to decide what you want to gain by taking martial arts, and then you have to find the best school and instructor that best matches that need. Let's take each step one at a time.
This is a crucial step that is sometimes overlooked. People have different but very good reasons for wanting to take up martial arts training. There are quite a lot of benefits that martial arts training has to offer - here are just a few:
Self defense
Develop an overall sense of well being and self confidence
Lose weight
Gain flexibility and coordination
Acquire more discipline
And more...
Why do you want to train in martial arts? Maybe your reasons include all of the above, and that's fine, but try to find the one or two reasons that are most important to you. For example, are you looking for just a little light recreation? Then a community center program may suffice. However if you want all of the benefits martial arts has to offer, like self-defense or personal development, then you are going to need a full-time professional school. Deciding what you really want is a very important step in choosing the best school for you.
After you have decided what you want from your training, the next step is to find the right place. There are several factors you should consider in choosing a school. You will want to consider things like; finding the right instructor, the cleanliness and distance of the school, the price for classes, finding a suitable style of martial art, and safety considerations. Let's look at each of these factors a little more closely.
What is your impression of the instructor?
You should realize that a big factor in choosing the right school is really choosing the right instructor. Here we are talking about the instructor's personality and teaching style. It's tough making an informed judgment about a person in a brief meeting, but usually you are going to have to trust your gut here. Intuition and first impressions, while not always correct, often turn out to be true. Be sure to visit the school, meet the instructor and have a look around.
How does the instructor greet visitors and how do they treat the students?
A professional school will have a friendly atmosphere, lots of smiles and be well kept. You'll feel comfortable with the personnel and the facility. While this may not end up being the closest school to your house, when it comes to your safety or the safety and education of your child, an extra ten-minute drive can make a world of difference in the outcome.
How advanced should the instructor be? Should they have a lot of titles and trophies?
Contrary to popular opinion, finding the best martial arts champion doesn't mean you have the best teacher. Just because an instructor has a lot of competition wins does not always mean the person is a good teacher. Likewise, just because someone has received a high rank within an art doesn't make him or her a good teacher. This is a critical point to understand. One can be a "natural" at martial arts, meaning they just pick it up really quickly. This type of person can go on to be a great champion with many medals and trophies, but of course, this is no guarantee at all that they will be able to effectively communicate and translate to others what comes to them quite easily. There are many examples of great competitors who are actually poor teachers. Clearly, a school owner or chief instructor should be a black belt or the equivalent depending on the art. Beyond that though, the rank of the instructor will actually mean very little to your classroom experience or the quality of your classes. What an instructor has accomplished is not as important as what he or she can do for you. It's a whole lot more important to find an instructor who cares about the students and makes them the focal point instead of seeking all the attention for himself or herself. Titles and trophies signify excellence in competition. So titles and trophies are great, IF that same person is also a good teacher. So if you can find an instructor with great credentials, medals, belts, etc., who ALSO cares about his or her students and is able to effectively transmit that information over to them - then you have the best of both worlds.
Is the school clean?
This is an important one. Dirty gyms can transmit staph and a lot of other nasty things that you would rather not find out about. Good gyms however are vigilant about sanitizing their equipment on a regular basis. Don't be afraid to ask how often the instructor has the equipment cleaned and sanitized. Sometimes you'll know everything you need just by looking around. This doesn't mean that the school has to be as immaculate - a little dust here or there doesn't hurt anything. But if you see filthy mats or blood on the walls, it's time to look elsewhere.
How far away is the school?
The best school in the world won't do you any good if it is too far away for you to make classes regularly. Consider the traffic as well. It might even be a good idea to make a "trial run" drive during the times you will be traveling to class. Is the class schedule suitable? Ask to see the schedule and be sure that you are able to attend comfortably at least two times per week. Also pay attention to the duration of the classes. In today's world, it's just very difficult to devote more than an hour to an activity for any length of time and studies on attention spans have shown that 30-60-minutes is about the max for most people.
How much should I expect to pay?
Paying for martial arts lessons is really a lot like buying a car or anything else. You frequently get what you pay for. Cleanliness, professionalism, quality, safety and individual attention is what usually separates the higher end schools from the cheaper schools. Most schools charge what they think they are worth. So if you want the best instruction, you should expect the price to be higher than normal. So what's normal? In 2007, the average price in the United States for martial arts training was approximately $100 per month. Schools in smaller towns will charge less, and in cities where the cost of living in general is a little higher, so too will be the case with martial arts classes. For those who want the very best for themselves or for their children, expect to pay around $120 a month or more. Just like private academic institutions and universities exist for a certain group of people who want the best academic education, in a similar way these higher end martial arts programs are for those who want the safest and most professional service available for their martial arts training.
You should also be aware that offering classes with 6 or 12 month agreements is common practice in the martial arts industry. In fact, in our experience, schools that have such agreements are usually better maintained, better run, and of all around better quality than the cheaper "monthby- month" schools.
What style of martial art should I choose?
This answer here depends on what your goals are. If you just want a little light recreation, then most tae kwon do schools would be fine. If you only want a cardio alternative and don't care at all about self-defense, improving your self-confidence, and things of this sort, then a typical "cardiokickboxing" class at your local health spa might be just the thing for you. If you are only interested in preserving an old oriental art form, with perhaps a little self-defense as a side consideration, then a traditional kung fu, karate, or tae kwon do school would suit you.
However, if you are looking to really increase your fitness level or get serious about self-defense training, here is one word of advice: When it comes to serious conditioning & self-defense, martial arts styles are NOT "all the same".
This is a controversial question, and there will certainly be those who disagree with what we say here, but we think the style or discipline taught matters a lot if you want serious training that can give you the best in conditioning and self-defense. Perhaps the most famous martial artist ever, Bruce Lee, recognized the limitations in the more traditional forms of karate, kung fu and tae kwon do. Lee thought many of these arts held on to outdated, impractical techniques and training methods out of a groundless respect towards "tradition", while ignoring the fact that there might be newer and better ways to do things. We agree with Bruce Lee's assessment. In our opinion, the more contemporary martial arts like Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do, Krav Maga, Kickboxing, Grappling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Boxing and Wrestling are a great deal better when it comes to conditioning and realistic self defense.
Is martial arts training safe?
Generally speaking it is, yet it can vary depending on the school you choose. Most schools are very safe and go to great lengths to insure the safety of its classes. Other schools are rougher and can have a military-like atmosphere where only the strong survive. An almost exclusively adult male student body and "fighters gym-like" atmosphere can help you recognize these schools. You should know that past insurance ratings rank martial arts as safer than golf in the number of injury claims. That doesn't mean you're not going to get sore or occasionally bruised, it just means that serious injuries are not very common in most martial arts schools. This can be particularly true for schools belonging to a professional organization which emphasizes the importance of safety.
Finally, while claims against schools are very rare because the training is very safe, many schools are not insured, which is a mistake. Make sure your school is insured and the instructors are attending seminars and workshops on teaching safe classes.
If you are interested in moving further, feel free to check out the resources at for home based training martial arts training programs.
Scott "Bam Bam" Sullivan is a professional MMA trainer, Muay Thai instructor, and holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. With over 25 years of martial arts experience to share, he is the owner of and is also the owner and chief instructor of Bam Bam Martial Arts ( in Houston, TX. He and his wife reside outside Houston with their seven beautiful children.
Martial arts: over only a workout
Why go to martial on other hobby or sport? You cannot get the same thing from popular sports. Martial isn't it just another way to get a workout? The answer is, quite simply, no. In this article, we'll cover some of martial offers many things.
Martial is not a lifestyle or a temporary solution for your short-term goals.Can be a workout, but its so much more. can make you feel safer, but more precisely.
Martial doesn't come easy with a couple of years of practice and achieve certain ranks. Nothing worth is easy.Once you find a martial art that fits, you always remember how much of an impact has or has had on you. If you stop the practice, always want to return.Martial takes a hold of you and never let go. Martial is a commitment to life.
Martial requires full integration of body, mind and soul. Other hobby or sport as soon as you close. The calming effect of martial takes place that function is your best performance.Martial is actually an art which was developed by monks to protect themselves from being robbed during their travels as missionaries. It originated in China many centuries ago.The monks combined exercises of meditation and health development in martial, kung fu or as has been called.
Martial requires that one keeps a certain path, ideology and commitment. Stay on the path to true is important in life and martial. your commitment for its development is of utmost importance.
Martial requires that one keeps a certain level of fitness.Right you are, the better it will perform. Although martial in his car can help to maintain this level of fitness, if fitness is your only goal in martial you should look elsewhere.
Martial requires one to maintain a lifestyle that measures the level of commitment.What you eat and drink constitute what your body is composed. If you bring negative things in your body, you will have negative things out of it.I.e. If be fatigue, weight, fat or a bad heard the old saying of you are what you eat.
Martial requires one to maintain and improve a level of ethics, etiquette and self-monitoring. With great power comes great resposibility.Martial can give you plenty and transform their hands and their feet in weapons. like any weapon, you must use responsibly martial arts.
Martial arts requires one to feed a level of patience. many of the things that help you develop in martial may seem boring. they teach patience and a sense of inner calm.
James Suzuki
Orange County Martial Arts Association
How to choose a martial arts school
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To reap the best benefits from martial arts, they should be taken as long term activities rather than short term. Given this suggestion, one should not just simply walk into the closest martial arts studio and sign up right away without doing some research. Not all martial arts are alike and not all schools or studios are alike either. Therefore, it is important to really think about what your own needs are with respect to martial arts training.
The discussion of which martial art style to take is too extensive for this article. So what I will say here is that there are differences in the various styles of martial arts which may result in some being more suitable for certain individuals compared to others. Do some research on the different styles and do visit the classes of different studios that teach different martial arts if possible. But more important is each individual school's approach to teaching their martial arts. Many martial arts schools teach only techniques and forms (set routines) that are specific to a traditional style. These schools follow the ways that the original founders of each martial art style developed and they have continued with minimal variance over the years. Other studios like to borrow techniques from a variety of martial art disciplines and integrate a mix into their programs. Some schools are non-traditional and adopt a more open free style system which incorporates traditional martial art techniques with gymnastics and open choreography of forms. There are many clubs that do both traditional and open styles. Each school will claim that their martial art style and method of teaching is superior to others. Prospective students must not take these claims too seriously and choose an approach that would be best suited for them on an individual basis.
Many advertisements for martial arts schools push the backgrounds of their higher ranking instructors as a way to attract students. It is important to realize that the more degrees (or dans) a particular black belt has don't always mean that the individual is a better instructor. This is the same with instructors who have very successful competition records. There is no correlation to the number of world championship titles won with how good an instructor is. The term 'master' should also be taken with caution. A master doesn't always make an excellent instructor. The teaching style of different instructors can vary. Some use the old Asian masters' approach where discipline is strictly enforced much like in the military. While general discipline is actually a good attribute to learn from martial arts training, some of the old ways of teaching, particularly reprimanding students vocally or physically for incorrect techniques may be considered a bit harsh for today's society. This is why it is important to watch classes of prospective martial arts schools you are interested in. You want to see the teaching style of an instructor to determine if it's a style that would be compatible with you or not. Ask questions after instructors have finished teaching. If you have the gut feeling that certain instructors will not be right for you, move on to find another club. Most legitimate schools will allow prospective students to witness or even try out a class for free before joining.
Related to teaching styles, some instructors emphasize safety more than others. The use of protective equipment and certain rules while sparring are factors. In addition to asking instructors, also ask other students about injury rates and their general feedback about the classes (ideally when they are outside of their schools). Another point on the students is that some schools attract a certain type of student profile. Observe the other students and decide whether these are people you would like to train with.
Some schools are very much into competition with active encouragement of students to participate in tournaments. In fact, some schools even make this a requirement in order to advance through the different levels. Other schools have been known to restrict competition only within a particular circuit. For example, many tae know do clubs only participate in tournaments that are strictly Olympic style tae kwon do and never go to events that are open to all martial arts styles. There are schools in the complete opposite end where they do not believe in competition at all and pretty well keep to themselves without any interaction with other martial arts clubs. Many Chinese kung fu clubs do not compete and some styles of martial arts such as aikido do not offer any competitive outlet. Many martial arts schools choose to have a relaxed position towards competition where they leave it up to individual students to choose whether they want to participate in tournaments or not. Some schools have special competition teams where additional training is available for those students who wish to compete. So as a prospective student, you should consider what involvement you would like in competition if any. If you know that you never want to compete, you should not get locked into a school that requires tournament competition. If you have a desire for competition, don't join a studio that shuns competition.
Some martial arts schools teach in community centers, school gyms and even church basements. Some have bare bones studios with outdated equipment. Some schools have the latest martial arts and fitness equipment with sparkling clean change rooms and facilities. All of these will factor into the membership fee of each school. You have to determine what you are willing to pay for and what type of environment you will feel comfortable training in.
Many schools require annual contracts while some are on a month to month basis. There could be initiation fees. There could also be testing or grading fees for advancement. All of these extra costs will add up. Ask what happens if you have to freeze your membership due to extended illness or injury.
If one doesn't really know whether martial arts is an activity for them in the long run, the option of taking short term courses such as those offered by community centers may be a viable alternative to making a full commitment to a dedicated martial arts club with its own studio space. But do be aware that although martial arts can be very enjoyable from the first day you put on a karate uniform, it is a long term activity and one must have patience in order to benefit the most from martial arts. Fortunately, there are many options in the form of different martial art styles and schools to choose from in the market today. Just make sure that you do some preliminary research before committing to any particular club.
Clint is a lifelong martial artist with over 36 years of training experience in kung fu, tae kwon do, karate, kickboxing and martial arts weaponry. He has won Canadian and world championship titles (NASKA, NBL and WSKF). He is also owner of Martial Arts Articles Online (, an online martial arts information resource.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
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